Why It is Important to Exfoliate More than Just Your Face

exfoliate more

Exfoliation is one of the most neglected skin routines, yet we all want beautiful, glowing skin. According to health and beauty experts, exfoliating properly is essential to develop and maintain healthy skin. It’s the best known way to get rid of those layers of dead skin cells so that your new skin cells can shine through. In this article we’ll discuss why it is important to exfoliate more than just your face which can be achieved with our head to toe Buffing Beans Coffee Scrub.

Don’t Neglect Your Feet!

If you get pedicures, then you’re ahead of the game. Most people, however, completely neglect their feet. Your feet carry you from the moment you walk until the end of your life. The amount of work involved is scary. Give some love to those hard workers and be sure to get the heels too!

Knees and Elbows Need Love Too 

These areas tend to be especially stubborn. Using body wash or soap isn’t enough to impact your knees or elbows. To really get the job done properly, pay special attention when exfoliating to focus on these areas. 

Armpits Deserve More

The thing about armpits is that they can end up looking a little on the darker side because of accumulated residue from sweat, deodorants, and/or antiperspirants. If you exfoliate these areas more regularly, it will help to remove the residue and keep armpits clean. In this situation, it’s better to use something that is more delicate, such as baking soda which has been known to gently exfoliate and brighten the skin. 

Love Your Body

Love your body is more than just an inspirational hashtag, it’s a lifestyle. Your face gets so much attention, but your body is just covered and neglected. It’s time to change this. Our pores can become clogged by a number of different factors, including the simple use of sunscreen and lotion. Exfoliate your body and see how it feels. 

Your Neck is Begging for Attention

Many people exfoliate their face regularly, yet they leave their neck to continue building up dead skin cells. Not you, though. You understand the value of taking care of the whole body, not just the face, and you’ll stand out because of it.

Bring Those Lips to Life

If you exfoliate your lips, you’ll enjoy softer, more supple lips. They will also be less flaky, which makes it a lot easier to apply lipstick as a bonus! You may not want to use a harsh facial scrub on your lips, go for something more gentle such as the KylieSkin Sugar Lip Scrub

Mind Your Cuticles

Generally speaking, we do wash our hands with soap fairly often (hopefully). However, dead skin accumulates around the cuticles just as they do everywhere else. If you can do some type of body scrub on your cuticles or use a foot scrub, you’ll be on your way to healthier cuticles! Rubbing a cuticle oil a few times a week could also help is softening the skin and reducing flakiness. 

Exfoliation is a crucial part of any successful skin regimen. Our face gets all the focus because it’s how we visually represent ourselves in public. However, the rest of our body needs to be exfoliated just as much. Paying attention and investing in these areas will help you have the clearest, most glowing skin in town.


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qohweomjeq December 07, 2022

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