Coffee Crush Exfoliating Peeling Gel Review: Jessa Green

Makeup and beauty aficionada Jessa Green reviewed the Callyssee Coffee Crush Exfoliating Peeling Gel on her Instagram this week.

She explained she was drawn to this exfoliating gel because she's developed sun spots (join the club, sister!) and the Coffee Crush Exfoliating Peeling Gel is perfect for any dry patches, ashy areas, and sun spots or other types of uneven skin tone you might have on your areas of your face.

Jessa Green Reviews Callyssee Coffee Crush Exfoliating Peeling Gel

The Coffee Crush Exfoliating Peeling Gel packs the following killer ingredients to get your skin in summer-ready shape:

  • Rosemary Extract, which targets excess oils. Even more important, rosemary comes with potent antioxidants that protect against premature aging and sun damage as well as eliminate puffiness. It also increases the skin’s elasticity, thereby decreasing droopiness and age spots.
  • Ginseng Extract, which revitalizes skin tone and stimulates collagen growth. Another anti-aging juggernaut, ginseng is chockfull of phytonutrients and helps tone and brighten skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. It boosts collagen (thus undoing wrinkles) and encourages skin regeneration and healing.
  • Green Tea Extract, which is prized for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and studies have credibly demonstrated that it lessens the effects of sun damage.
  • Callysse's gold star ingredient, Coffea Arabica (Organic Green Coffee) Extract, a potent anti-aging, antioxidant ingredient. Its high levels of polyphenols, chlorogenic acid, and ferulic acid actively combat free radicals, reducing their damage on your skin. Green coffee seed extract also promotes rapid cell regeneration and the healing of scar tissue.

This high-energy exfoliating gel harnesses the power of coffee to cleanse your face and remove dead skin cells while beginnig to subtly lift away problem areas. Skin is left radiant, smoother, and more even toned.

Plus, it's fun to use because you get to do a little scrubbing with your fingers before you rinse it off! We love it around Callyssee HQ ;)

Give it a shot here (get it? Because coffee!).

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sqgbopgyrh December 07, 2022

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